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GB/T 44173-2024 in English

GB/T 44173-2024(English Version)


Performance requirements and testing methods for door open warning system of passenger cars

  • Language:English
  • File Format:PDF
  • Issued on:2024-07-24
  • Implemented on:2024-07-24
  • Delivery:RFQ
  • More details

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Details of GB/T 44173-2024 Introduction
Key Value
Standard No: GB/T 44173-2024
Document status: valid
Title in English: Performance requirements and testing methods for door open warning system of passenger cars
Title in Chinese: 乘用车车门开启预警系统性能要求及试验方法
Language: English
File Format: Electronic (PDF)
Delivery: RFQ
ICS Classification: 43.020-Road vehicles in general
Chinese Classification: T40-Automobiles in general
Professional Classification: GB-National Standard
Issued on: 2024-07-24
Implemented on: 2024-07-24

Introduction in Chinese

《GB/T 44173-2024乘用车车门开启预警系统性能要求及试验方法》由TC114(全国汽车标准化技术委员会)归口,TC114SC34(全国汽车标准化技术委员会智能网联汽车分会)执行,主管部门为工业和信息化部。